A psychic is someone who can see into the future or knows things about people’s lives with their minds. A medium is someone who communicates with the spirits of those who have passed away. Both are experts in different areas, but they both focus on helping you understand what’s going on in your life!


What is a Medium?

A medium is someone who communicates with the spirits of those who have passed away. They are also experts in discerning what’s going on in your life and helping you understand it! A psychic can see into the future or know things about people’s lives just by using their mind, which means they’re an expert at understanding how other people think and feel. Mediums specifically focus on communicating with spirits that have crossed over to help us better understand God’s plan for our own lives while psychics primarily use mental telepathy to get information from others as well as themselves.

What is a Psychic?

When we give you a psychic reading, our soul is blending with your soul and we are hearing from your spirit guides. Your Spirit Guides will share current life events that can help guide you on the right path in this world. They may also inform us of future events so we have an opportunity to prepare for them together. We feel free to share what we hear with you because they are so full of love and compassion.

Does everyone have the connection?

What is really happening when we have these encounters with our loved ones who’ve passed? It could be just a coincidence or maybe they are trying to contact you! When it comes down to it, the only way for us to know if this type of encounter was planned on purpose by your friend or family member would be through memories that were shared. They may show up in one form and disappear as something else but their presence will always remain even after death occurs.

The most important thing about these encounters? These connections are just as real to the person having them! They should be treated like any other encounter in life no matter how different they may seem. One way you can tell if it was planned would be by seeing whether anything significant happened when they appeared or disappeared – there’s always some type of memory shared during an encounter like this so why not use it for guidance purposes, too?

What will my loved ones share with you?

As a medium, we can provide you with evidence that your loved ones are still present in your life today and every day. They enjoy showing me what’s been happening lately – it can be the simplest everyday occurrences or something more significant.

We are able to connect you to them first-hand by seeing people as they live their lives now on Earth while we speak together through my own thoughts of love sent out into Spirit for all those who have passed over before us so that they may receive this message from Above: “We’re never far away because our souls will always remain close.”

Do I have to meet you in person?

The energetic connection can happen in the comfort of your own home. The spiritual encounter is a sacred space where you are welcome to be at peace and open up without feeling any fear or judgement for how your life has been going. You don’t have to travel anywhere, because we can come right into your living room whether on a phone call or over text– it’s all about connecting with one another!

Your loved ones already know that our meeting is taking place so they will show up whenever we’re scheduled together–allowing us plenty of time for healing conversation and laughter as well as learning from each other along this journey called life!